Workshops & Events


Breath & Ice Experience

With Richard Burrows, Performance Breathing Australia

Sunday 30 March

10am-12pm. Arrive by 9:45am

Link to book


Beginners Course

5 Weeks, Thursdays 7:15-8:15pm

8 May to 5 June

$135 Early Bird to 23 April,

$160 Thereafter

This 5 Week Beginners Yoga Course will introduce you to all the key poses of yoga and breathing techniques.

We’ll help you find safe alignment, build strength and develop your flexibility so that you’ll feel strong and confident in a yoga class.

The course is run as a sequence so attendance over all weeks is ideal.

Sun Salutations

Core strength

Back strength




Standing poses

Seated poses

The course includes a free week of unlimited yoga after the conclusion of the course.

We provide all props. Please wear comfortable clothing, bring water to hydrate, and be prepared to learn a lot! Looking forward to seeing you.